Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: O-Town Baby!
Guild: Retard Fleet [Fail]
Tactics Explained
Alys' Notes on bLt Tactics for DWG T4 FoW; This is not record tactics but still fast.
Not Claiming original, best or record; But it works and its fast.
lets define some terms:
ToS Ranger, Lets call him t1
Mage Sin or Ranger, Lets call him t2
Forest Sin, Lets call him t3
Menzies Sin, Lets call him t4
Forge Sin, or Ranger or "MT"
DWG 1 <- Tanker
DWG 2 <- Spanker
SoS (The Bar listed here is not able to solo ToC, try OACjEqiMJSXTlTeT0gYOVOSTVTA)
From start there are three entances to ToC
The Traditional Meta Roundabout Way, The way Rasti walks and a little gap to the West of there.
T2 is going to go and do the Traditional First pull rasti way, There will be NO SPIKE HERE all you do is pull around the cliff and hold until rasti talks.
T1 is going to go up the hole and grab all the abysals and rangers, he will pull them to the north side of toc while DWG1 and 2, MT, T3 and T4 run under his pull through the split entrance and head through to battlefield (More on that in a sec). The SoS also follows but stops at the gate for ToC.
T1 will whirling the abyssal they all explode. SoS is putting up spirits. T1 run up to rangers, SoS run in summon spirits, rupture one and the rangers die. T1 runs to burning forest.
DWG 1 & 2 are following terras, running past the group that pugs freak out when you skip (that is killed by griffs spawn). DWG's run up to corner cliff on West side before battlefield. Which ever terra gets there first pull the skelly group West, best is t3 forge terra run to ball opening forge group, t4 run to battle camp start job. DWG spike t3's ball without Shroud, having shroud up on mesmers will kill you, then head to forge.
Current time 2m
At this point t1/sos have finished ToC and sos is waiting on rasti, t1 is running to burning forest, DWG's are running to forge to do their second spike. t3 is at entrance to forest. t4 is at battlecamp and rasti is in motion. t2 is still holding first group. t2 will watch rasti run by then wait for his first words to be spoken and run through beach (spawns will pop and begin motion, this is why you wait rather than just let rasti pass which you can do but is risky if the sos is slow at all.) then cave and grab The Hunt. Then does Cave and beach wolf. If you waited for agro to start to break apart then ran to get the Hunt you will still have dryders and be able lazy kill cave wolf.
SoS will grab whailing and run to Whailing Forest (only one group of fear tactics, if you are scared make t3 pull stuff out of the way) on pathway into forest.
current time 3minutes
t3 slivers worm group on near wall, and the other if on the path way otherwise they are skipable, grabs agro and kills bezerkers on bridge then waits for sliver recharge, grabs banshee agro and kills without leaving bridge and getting the two far skelly groups. After whailing lord becomes green grab quest and grab spawn, hos will help keep the rushing skelly berzerkes from spiking you to hard.
SoS will kill the group of breaking Spirit Shepherds, the Spiders and the Spirit Wood that are in the opening area of forest, skipping the woods on the cliff and heads to griff spawn location.
T1 should grab Mikos/Slaves, run to back grab overlords, and whirling then head to ToS grab groups kill abysals, whirling/scythe them, grab wolf pull back and whirling. Wait for rangers.
MT does X-Box Pull, if using pcons dwgs can split (still no shroud for mesmers), which will save you 50seconds or so.
MT to ball rangers into one group will do bottom circle, DC to far ranger, walk 4 and a half spikes down on ramp, slide other to other side and go to next repeat then dc to ranger group you want to ball ontop off. This should take the same amount of time as DWG's doing non-split kills. Go down the ramps they just cleared of mobs. DWG's will want to spike from side of first mob killed. This spike do not DC into, put shroud up, Precast DWG if using Ranger MT have him Whirling while DWGs run up heading into near corner and spike spike spike.
Current time 5m -6m
Meanwhile t4 should have killed menzies and be headed back with book, when he sees forge quest update he drops book. T4 heads to north side of forge to do north pull while MT does southside. t2 should be finished with wolves and headed to cave side forge gate. t3 should have finished whailing and have the Spirits and one group of skellys pulled out the way and SoS is with griffs. T1 has ToS prepped, Wolfs dead should be Cave, Beach, ToS. If t4 had time Battlefield.
DWG's With Shroud spike southside, t2 is holding south gate forge spawns back to prevent accidental cross agro (unless you want them to kill the Beasts.) MT DC's to spawned beasts and pulls away from corpses. DWGs spike and head to north side, MT heads to Cave, t2 goes into forge breaking agro away from Taeres. (west) DWG's Spike north, dc to beasts kill at gate (away from corpses) T4 runs to battlefield grabs agro on path way to whailing forest and pulls north out of way, sos with griffs runs up to the opening of the path way. t3 runs forward agro breaks behind him and he does meta pull for begining of battlefield with the near additional griff spawns. DWG's are running along side of forge in battlefield twords tos. SoS then follows up to that same point freeing t4 to finish book and do his wolf, then t3 to go back to forest and do his wolf.
t2 Grabs quests, starting with ToS, t1 balls and whirlings rangers calls mage and heads to kholbay.
MT is in cave by the time t2 takes quests does resto and is done. T2 is camping mage, once mage is sent, t2 heads to ToS to finish it (burning forest way saves you a few seconds of having to break the group on the ledge entrance to tos unless you are feeling brave and can dc to worm or brought hos.
Now back to the DWG's arriving at the pathway to ToC. Now youve read this far and I havent mentioned Tanker and Spanker DWG yet and youll notice that the dwg's no longer have a terra with them! Its time for the dwgs to really shine and why other spikes arent used here. Tanker is going to run in without shroud and WITHOUT PINGING as the griffs are right at your back and pop the beasts as soon as they pop the Spanker is going to Rift the warrior and both start spike tanker is gonna dc to war for heal at half health and then repeate spike for next two or three groups (if one at bend is too close). SoS bring Griffs in and dwgs long bow the wolf and pull twords ToC door. (as he will be near monks who will heal him)
If the spike here is slow at all you will have to res-scroll each other or fail. If you mess up first group wait for a terra to finish to pull and hold, t3 or 4 should be done within a minute or two. Ping and you will fail the run by killing griffs.
Alt Braveway Griffs. once DWGs and SoS at opening to ToC DwG Tanker runs pulls agro twords corner cliff and does best to spike, SOS pings a far target (ONE NOT IN THAT GROUP) and sos and Spanker run to next group, Spanker grabs and pulls down path twords cave, SoS Runs past pinging target from first group or other far group. Runs into ToC pinging far mobs. Runs to back of toc the group out front breaks and griffs done, runs out and pulls agro into shard wolf and watches shadows kill it. InstaRez from victory /age Screen Shot. Become FoW-God.
Current Time 9m-11m.
Bacon Tactics Away!
If I missed anythign im sorry, pm me in game Alys Warder / Doc Horrible, or here and ill explain more.
Lots of love,